2,747 research outputs found

    Desorption Kinetics of O and CO from Graphitic Carbon Surfaces

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    The desorption of O/CO from graphitic carbon surfaces is investigated using a one-dimensional model describing the adsorbate interactions with the surface phonon bath. The kinetics of desorption are described through the solution of a master equation for the time-dependent population of the adsorbate in an oscillator state, which is modified through thermal fluctuations at the surface. The interaction of the adsorbate with the surface phonons is explicitly captured by using the computed phonon density Of states (PDOS) of the surface. The coupling of the adsorbate with the phonon bath results in the transition of the adsorbate up and down a vibrational ladder. The adsorbate-surface interaction is represented in the model using a Morse potential, which allows for the desorption process to be directly modeled as a transition from bound to free (continuum) state. The PDOS is a property of the material and the lattice; and is highly sensitive to the presence of defects. The effect of etch pits along with random surface defects on the PDOS is considered in the present work. The presence of defects causes a redshift and broadening of the PDOS, which in turn changes the phonon frequency modes available for adsorbate coupling at the surface. Using the realistic PDOS distributions, the phonon-induced desorption (PID) model was used to compute the transition and desorption rates for both pristine and defective systems. Mathissens rule is used to compute the phonon relaxation time for pristine and defective systems based on the phonon scattering times for each of the different scattering processes. First, the desorption rates of the pristine system is fitted against the experimental values to obtain the Morse potential parameters for each of the observed adatoms. These Morse potential parameters are used along with the defective PDOS and phonon relaxation time to compute the desorption rates for the defective system. The defective system rates (both transition and desorption) were consistently lower in comparison with the pristine system. The difference between the transition rates is more significant at lower initial states due to higher energy spacing between the levels. In the case of the desorption rates, the difference between the defective and pristine system is more significant at higher temperatures. The desorption rates for each of the system shows an order of magnitude decrease with the strongly bound systems exhibiting the greatest reduction in the desorption rates

    Adaptive self-management of teams of autonomous vehicles

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    Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly deployed for missions that are deemed dangerous or impractical to perform by humans in many military and disaster scenarios. Collaborating UAVs in a team form a Self- Managed Cell (SMC) with at least one commander. UAVs in an SMC may need to operate independently or in sub- groups, out of contact with the commander and the rest of the team in order to perform specific tasks, but must still be able to eventually synchronise state information. The SMC must also cope with intermittent and permanent communication failures as well permanent UAV failures. This paper describes a failure management scheme that copes with both communication link and UAV failures, which may result in temporary disjoint sub-networks within the SMC. A communication management protocol is proposed to control UAVs performing disconnected individual operations, while maintaining the SMCs structure by trying to ensure that all members of the mission regardless of destination or task, can communicate by moving UAVs to act as relays or by allowing the UAVs to rendezvous at intermittent intervals. Copyright 2008 ACM.Accepted versio

    Bayesian Gait Optimization for Bipedal Locomotion

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    One of the key challenges in robotic bipedal locomotion is finding gait parameters that optimize a desired performance criterion, such as speed, robustness or energy efficiency. Typically, gait optimization requires extensive robot experiments and specific expert knowledge. We propose to apply data-driven machine learning to automate and speed up the process of gait optimization. In particular, we use Bayesian optimization to efficiently find gait parameters that optimize the desired performance metric. As a proof of concept we demonstrate that Bayesian optimization is near-optimal in a classical stochastic optimal control framework. Moreover, we validate our approach to Bayesian gait optimization on a low-cost and fragile real bipedal walker and show that good walking gaits can be efficiently found by Bayesian optimization. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Bifurcation Analysis of Zellner's Marshallain Macroeconomic Model

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    The Marshallian Macroeconomic Model in Zellner and Israilevich (2005) provides a novel way to examine sectoral dynamics through the introduction of a dynamic entry/exit equation in addition to the usual demand and supply functions found in models of this class. In this paper we examine the possibility of cyclical behavior in the Marshallian Macroeconomic Model and investigate the existence of a Hopf bifurcation with respect to the parameter in the entry/exit equation.Marshallian Macroeconomic Model; Dynamic Entry/Exit; Hopf Bifurcation; Limit Cycles

    Do Public Equity Markets Matter in Emerging Economies? Evidence From India

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    Do public equity markets serve an unique role that is not easily served by other forms of financing in emerging economies? We analyze this question using the collapse of India’s equity market in 1997, which provides an exogenous shock to firms’ ability to issue equity. We find that both public and private firms exhibit higher bankruptcy rates and lower growth after 1997. The decline in growth is greater among firms with more external finance needs and fewer tangible assets. Overall, the evidence suggests that public equity markets are an important, not easily replaced, source of finance in emerging economies

    Effect of the Intrinsic Width on the Piezoelectric Force Microscopy of a Single Ferroelectric Domain Wall

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    Intrinsic domain wall width is a fundamental parameter that reflects bulk ferroelectric properties and governs the performance of ferroelectric memory devices. We present closed-form analytical expressions for vertical and lateral piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM) profiles for the conical and disc models of the tip, beyond point charge and sphere approximations. The analysis takes into account the finite intrinsic width of the domain wall, and dielectric anisotropy of the material. These analytical expressions provide insight into the mechanisms of PFM image formation and can be used for quantitative analysis of the PFM domain wall profiles. PFM profile of a realistic domain wall is shown to be the convolution of its intrinsic profile and resolution function of PFM.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, 3 Appendices, To be submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Intraoperative management of ETT and LMA cuff pressures: a survey of anaesthetists’ knowledge, attitude and current practice

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    Background: Endotracheal tubes and laryngeal mask airway devices are routinely used during anaesthesia. Inappropriate inflation of cuffs has been shown to cause postoperative airway morbidity, and limiting the pressure decreases the incidence of pharyngo-laryngeal complications. Subjective measurements of cuff pressures correlate poorly to actual pressures, yet the use of objective cuff manometry is not routinely practised. The aim of this study was to determine current clinical practice of cuff inflation as well as the knowledge and attitude of anaesthetists in the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Discipline of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care.Methods: This was a descriptive, observational study and data were collected using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire from practising anaesthetists in the UKZN Discipline of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care.Results: A total of 160 anaesthetists participated. The minimal occlusive volume test (38.8%) and the pilot balloon palpation technique (36.3%) were most commonly used. Most participants felt it was important to accurately measure ETT (84.8%) and LMA (56.1%) cuff pressures and that using a cuff manometer should be mandatory (76%). Reasons for not using it routinely included manometers not being readily available. Gaps in knowledge and education were also identified.Conclusion: There is increasing importance placed on quality assurance. Clinical practice varies widely among practitioners with the only consistency being the omission of cuff manometers during routine intraoperative management, despite their proven benefit and efficacy. The authors propose recommendations to facilitate the routine intraoperative use of cuff manometers.Keywords: anaesthesia, cuff manometer, endotracheal, intracuff pressure, intubation, laryngeal mask airway, sore throat, tracheo-laryngeal complication

    Spatial Aspects of Multi-Sensor Data Fusion: Aerosol Optical Thickness

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    The Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) investigated the applicability and limitations of combining multi-sensor data through data fusion, to increase the usefulness of the multitude of NASA remote sensing data sets, and as part of a larger effort to integrate this capability in the GES-DISC Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure (Giovanni). This initial study focused on merging daily mean Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT), as measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites, to increase spatial coverage and produce complete fields to facilitate comparison with models and station data. The fusion algorithm used the maximum likelihood technique to merge the pixel values where available. The algorithm was applied to two regional AOT subsets (with mostly regular and irregular gaps, respectively) and a set of AOT fields that differed only in the size and location of artificially created gaps. The Cumulative Semivariogram (CSV) was found to be sensitive to the spatial distribution of gap areas and, thus, useful for assessing the sensitivity of the fused data to spatial gaps
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